Dark Souls provides an intense but fair challenge for its players, while also showcasing that sometimes atmosphere in a video game is more important than story. No matter how someone feels about the franchise, it is impossible to argue that it isn't memorable.
The biggest downside to Dark Souls is that over the last ten years most players have probably begun to grow tired of it, and it's definitely beginning to show its age. Even back when it originally released it was lacking a lot of the graphical and optimization improvements that other video games were sporting.
The best way to fix these problems now is for players to begin downloading mods. This guide shows players some of the best mods available and how to install them.
Installing mods in video games is now easier than it ever has been, and players who want to get into it will just have to follow a few simple steps to get most mods working properly.
The first step to modding any game is to check out a modding community like Nexus Mods. Not only does this website have a huge amount of mods for players to choose from, but there are also creators and other players that can give tips or walkthroughs on how to make things work properly. After that to start downloading mods for Dark Souls , players will want to install a Mod Manager before they do anything else.
One of the best ones is called Drag and Drop Mod Manager, and it makes the entire process for installing mods incredibly simple. Players who download Drag and Drop Mod Manager will need to move the downloaded files straight into their Dark Souls file folders.
I have searched everywhere online and they don't give clear answers or their for the PS4 or some other console. I would like to play with mods, but need someone to explain how to install them.
Showing 1 - 13 of 13 comments. Agios View Profile View Posts. Moving on to "why" you shouldn't mod in DS3. You're going to get banned, for real. Most of the mods, specifically graphic mods and some gear mods that alters the appearance are doing injections in your file through the gpi program - I forgot the actual name of the program but it is something like this, I may edit this later.
These injections are flagging hard the game, like " Oh, shoot, this guy is using mods! Meanwhile, we get random and actual harmful cheaters and hackers roaming around, freely and ruining other player's games, so, yeah Don't mod the game, unless you don't care anymore or have a Family Share account to spare on that. Still though, don't do it. Last edited by Agios ; 28 Aug, pm.
Originally posted by Agios :. Originally posted by SilentKhaos :. Not all mods will get you banned, contrary to what people believe. I've been using Souls Unsqueezed version 5 for months with no ban. Make sure to read the mod description and the comments to find out if it will get you banned.
Also, instructions to install the mod should be on the page you download it from or in the zip file. EDIT: Also keep in mind that the anticheat scans only the save file , not the game folder.