Print Listing. Title of Publication General Information. Transmittal of Continental Motors, Inc. Secondary Seat Stop Install - Reel Assy Inspect It has been determined that some secondary seat stop Reel Assemblies may not always operate correctly and must be replaced as described in this Service Bulletin.
Non-compliance with this Service Bulletin could allow the continued use of an inoperative secondary seat stop reel assembly. Maintaining Current Service and Operational Info. The purpose of this Service Newsletter is to inform Cessna Customers of the various options available to assist them in maintaining the currency of publications utilized for maintenance and operation of Cessna Propeller airplanes. Electrical Ground Strap inspection It has been determined that some electrical ground straps may not have been manufactured correctly.
The ground straps shall be inspected and if necessary, replaced as described in this Service Bulletin. Non-compliance with this Service Bulletin could allow corrosion to form on the ground strap and adjacent attachment points and potentially affect the performance of the electrical and avionics systems and related components.
Propeller Blade Leak Troubleshooting Instructions The purpose of Service Newsletter SNL is to provide assistance in identifying and assessing propeller oil leaks and determining the necessary corrective action.
Some examples of modifications and parts that may affect the airplane aerodynamics, gross weight, flying characteristics, structure, systems or performance are: powerplant and propeller changes, add-on wing tip fuel tanks, vortex generators, camera modifications, winglets, oversize tires, etc.
The new address is. Please click on the new link below: CessnaClub. Simple site templates. Recommended by Cessna are solely based on the use of new, remanufactured, or overhauled Cessna approved parts. Airworthiness Directive Schedule. Cessna and Series.
This AD schedule is applicable to Cessna aircraft manufactured under the following. Requirement and found free of cracks. Conduct a ground test with a carbon. August 4, by africairweb in Cessna Service Bulletins. Textron Aviation Service Bulletins — June July 6, by africairweb in Cessna Service Bulletins. Textron Aviation Service Bulletins — May June 1, by africairweb in Cessna Service Bulletins. Textron Aviation Service Bulletins — April April 30, by africairweb in Cessna Service Bulletins.
Textron Aviation Service Bulletins — March