First aid psychiatry clerkship 4th edition pdf download

The perfect primer for the core clerkships written by students who excelled! Don't begin third year medical school without reading this book! Written by students for students, this high-yield guide helps you move smoothly from the classroom to the wards. Thoroughly revised and updated, this comprehensive book explains what to expect in each required rotation and includes sample notes and reports, key facts, formulas, and protocols, and answers to "pimp questions" you will be asked on rounds.

Student-to-student advice on everything from what to wear to how to impress the attending physician Know what to expect in every core rotation: medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, neurology, psychiatry, and emergency medicine Advice on presenting cases to attendings How-to guides for common procedures High-yield facts on the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases Sample patient notes, clipboard and note-card patient templates Updated student ratings of popular clinical handbooks, reviews, and texts.

With an easy-to-follow bulleted presentation of must-know diseases and disorders, this one-of-a-kind study companion offers the most current overview of all core areas on the boards.

Included is a host of learning tools, from key facts and mnemonics to full-color illustrations and proven test-taking strategies—everything students need to pass the exam with flying colors. Kaufman,Sean M. Matthew Stead,Matthew S. A Book by Matthew S. Mena Lora. Sexual Dysfunctions and Paraphilic Disorders Chapter Psychotherapies Chapter Psychopharmacology Chapter Show more. Show less. About the Authors. Sean M. Score: 4.

Includes a special section devoted to high-yield web sites, top extracurricular opportunities, and scholarships. Provides tear-out cards with essential ward information in pocket-ready format. Its organization and thoroughness are unsurpassed, putting it above similar review books.

Students who thoroughly read this book should have no trouble successfully completing their psychiatry clerkship and passing the shelf exam. As course director for the core psychiatry clerkship at my institution, I will recommend this book to students. Written by students who know what it takes to succeed, and based on the national guidelines for the psychiatry clerkship, the book is filled with mnemonics, ward and exam tips, tables, clinical images, algorithms, and newly added mini-cases.

Apply the proven First Aid formula for Psychiatry Board success! Using abbreviated and high yield chapters, this book presents the most up-to-date and useful information on psychiatric and neurologic concepts related to the ABPN examination.

Based on feedback from recent test-takers, this review offers high-yield information, mnemonics, and visual aids -- along with mini-cases for oral board success. The content is written by recent test-takers so you know you are studying the most current and relevant material possible. Now you can get real answers to real board questions!

You'll find radiologic images divided by modality, clear guidelines on when to order a specific modality and how to read the results, and illustrations of classic results of important conditions. The Eleventh Edition of this this trusted review simulates the USMLE Step 2 CK test-taking experience by delivering multiple-step clinical vignette questions and updates on the latest therapies for psychiatric diseases and disorders. Questions are carefully selected to match the style and difficulty level of what students will face on the test.

This must-have fourth edition of top-selling Case Files: Family Medicine is reorganized by topic for easier learning during the clerkship, and is updated to reflect the latest guidelines on management of common conditions. Features Updated to reflect new guidelines for common conditions, including HTN and cholesterol management 60 realistic family medicine cases with high-yield discussions aligned with the national family medicine clerkship curriculum USMLE-style review questions and clinical pearls accompany each case Primer on how to approach clinical problems and think like an experienced doctor.

Skip to content. Author : Latha Ganti,Matthew S. Kaufman,Sean M. Author : Matthew S. Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry Seventh Edition. Author : Donald W. Black, M. Andreasen, M. First Aid for the Neurology Boards 2nd Edition. Author : Michael S. Rafii,Thomas I.


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